Finally.......Forever a Family

Friday, June 22, 2007

Paperwork Update of yesterday, I received my receipt from the USCIS for the 171 application.....they got my homestudy WITH the application, but for some reason didn't send us a fingerprint we are waiting on that response for now.

Today, we received the FBI fingerprint cards back. Now they will be overnighted (received by Monday a.m.) to our agency so that they can priority mail them to the West Virginia Secretary of State for apostilles. I'm hoping that all of this travel for them will have them back in the agency's hands by July 6th.

The only other paperwork that we have to get done is our medical paperwork. We can't get that done until we're really close to going because it expires too quickly.

None of this paperwork is required for our 1st trip...........and I found out that the "word" comes back to our agency via now the 1st trip timeline COULD be 10 days to get there (IT'S IN RUSSIA AS OF TODAY!!!!), 7 or so days to get translated, then another week or so for the government to issue the invitation and give us a date for travel. Considering that the 10 day wait to get to Russia is already well under way, that means we could be hearing something and traveling for the 1st trip as soon as the middle of July!!!! :):):)

That really puts me more at ease because we need to be totally back here before August 13th, when Gary will HOPEFULLY be starting a new we'd like a couple days to rest before going back to work!! :):):)..........AND, I think we can get the doctor stuff done as soon as we back from our 1st we need a day or so to get that done (the dr. office doesn't have a notary IN it, so we have to go when the notary for the dr. office is in -- they're across the street in an actual office type position).

As you can see, this is going pretty fast........Please pray for us to be fully ready and for our finances. The 2 people that were trying to get tickets for us will not be able we need to figure that out as well (besides the orphanage donations and gifts for those that help us out while we are there).

This is definitely not the same as our China :):):)

Terri for the Casebier's

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