Finally.......Forever a Family

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Update on paperwork to Russia #3


I found out today that the 1st (larger) batch of our dossier paperwork was received in Russia and is being checked over and translated!!!! Translation (of ALL documents) takes 2-3 days............

The 2nd and final (smaller) batch was also sent out today (Fed Ex tracking number is 8606 0518 3509)..............and if I go with how fast the other batch went, they could have it by next Tuesday or Wednesday...............and fully translated by (at least) NEXT FRIDAY!!!! (8/24) if we could only figure out where the paperwork from Moscow was in the process!!!! If it's there by translation time, we could have a court date set as early as 8/27!!!!!...........maybe even a day or two earlier!!!

So, keep watching for our next update within the next week and a half to two weeks!!! I'm SO excited!!!! We may even have a travel date before going to the Family Reunion at Labor Day!!!! we're in Labor!!!!! :):):)

Terri for the Casebier's

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