Finally.......Forever a Family

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Growth and Recovery

As my wife post many of these blogs, I wanted to post this update. Isabelle's surgery on her lip is healing quite nice. It is amazing how enduring of a smile that she has through the struggles of dealing with cleft lip and palate. I am reminded that no matter the circumstances in life that an enduring smile can be contagious and can encourage others even from one such as this little one.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lip Revision Surgery

Well, we've decided to make the blog more of a "big moments" type thing........and put the new pictures in a new blog area,

Today was Isabelle's lip revision surgery. We had to be there at 6:30, yes, I actually had to be out the door by 6 A.M.!!!!

We got there and Isabelle was SO FRIENDLY with everyone in the waiting room............then she went on in and played peek a boo in the individual exam room! She was blowing kisses at the nurses and keeping everyone in stitches..............and that was BEFORE the versed!!!!! (versed is the medicine that they give you to help you not feel or remember anything while being put under anethesia)

We were told it would be a 1.5 hour surgery. About an hour into it (a little after 8:30), we got a call saying that everything was going well and they were continuing to work on it....................... no worries.............................then about an hour later (yes, I said an hour later) I started was going longer than we were told and no one was updating us anymore. At almost 2.5 hours, the dr. came out and said she was a "new person." He said that her lip was more attached than he had realized, so they went in a totally redid her lip and worked some on her nose as well. Needless to say, I was nervous about seeing her then and Gary was out running errands without his cell phone on!!!!

About 30 min. later, they let me see her. I had just reached Gary, so he was coming back to the hospital. I went in and she was SO different. Her little nose and mouth are really swollen right now, but her nose isn't symmetrical in shape anymore (though both nostrils are about the same size now) she DEFINITELY looks different. She slept for quite a while in the post-op room before we finally left.......................we let her have a little milk right before taking off and that was a HUGE mistake. She threw up shortly after Gary started driving...................yes, all over the car seat, nighty, and other stuff.......................I took off the nighty (didn't have another one with us either) and decided to carefully hold her on the ride home (please don't report us :):):), this is NOT typical and God really blessed us on the rest of the trip).

She's currently sleeping on my lap ~~ don't know exactly how WE are going to sleep, but she's got it all under control from her side! :):):)

It'll be another 3 weeks in arm restraints, but it's so worth it in the end.......................................

I'm waiting until the swelling goes down to take more pictures................but I'll post a couple here when I have them.

Thanks for continuing to follow us! :):):)

Terri for the Casebier's